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Pterodactyl Panel
About the service management panel we use

About Pterodactyl

What is Pterodactyl?

Pterodactyl is the managment system and user interface we use for the services on offer here at ShockNet. Pterodactyl provides the means for users to operate, manage and control their server remotely anywhere in the world while it runs on the hardware we own here at ShockNet.

Why Pterodactyl?

We use Pterodactyl because we support it as an open source solution to hosting services by anyone for anyone. Most importantly we support the hard work put into the project by the talented individuals who have built and refined Pterodactyl to work so well for the community that use it.

We ourselfs here at Shocknet do a lot to keep the infastruture we own running correctly and with as little disruption to your services as possible. For reasons such as this, we don't always have the time to develop everything we'd like ourselfs. However this isnt as important as doing what we love doing and what we're good at doing while letting others put in the effort to do what they love doing and what they enjoy doing.

These are our reasons for choosing Pterodactyl so we can keep things running reliably for you while Pterodactyl gives you the control you need over your server.

What can Pterodactyl do?

Pterodactyl provides users with a multitude of features such as:

  • Hosting multiple servers at one time in one convinient place.

  • Manage files from anywhere on the web.

  • View real time statistical data about the service as it operates.

  • Allocate sub users whome may aid in supporting the server or co-host it.

  • Create and manage databases for your service.

  • Create server backups.

  • schedule automatic tasks.

  • Manage server startup parameters.

  • Upload and download files securely using SFTP functionality.

Showcase of Pterodactyl Panel